Dear all,
This is my first experiment in blogging.
Let's see how it works........
About myself:
I am Jossy from Cochin, Kerala. I am 32 years old, married to Ms.Ajitha Alex. We are living in a village nearby Cochin. I am working as a Recruiter in Human Resources Management consultancy in Cochin.
We are living with parents.
My Father, Mr.Varkey Paulo was a farmer and my mother,Mrs.Thankamma Varkey is a house wife. Both are living a peaceful veteran life. And my only sister Mrs.Jaisy Paul got married to Mr.Poulose [Defence Services] and living in New Delhi with 2 kids. Mr.Arvin & Ms.Arsha..
1 comment:
a. Regular attendance is essential to the Company’s efficient operation and is a necessary condition of employment. When employees are absent, schedules and customer commitments fall behind, and other employees assume added workloads.
b. Employees are expected to report to work as scheduled and on time. If it is not possible to report for work as scheduled, employees must call their Manager and Admin/HR department before their starting time.
c. Office Timing is 09:30 AM - 5:30 PM
d. Every employee of the company is expected to be present for the duty at his work place five minute before the start time i.e. 9.25 AM on all the working days.
e. All late coming /early leaving records will be filed in respective formats in employee files and will be considered for anual performance monitoring and increment plan.
Late Coming Rules:
However to accommodate the delay which may be caused due to various reason the following relaxation will be available to each employee With effect from 15.06.2022.
One late arrival of 15 minutes, in a month is permitted, if employee is getting late for some genuine reason, as a warning/grace period. (Employee should inform Admin/HR department and his manager about the late arrival.)
1. Grace period of 15 minutes will be available to each employee only 1 time in a month without any deduction.
2. For delay of more than 2 or more times up to 10 times in a month will be deducted a salary of ½ day.
3. For delay for more than 10 times in a month, the concerned employee will not be taken on duty without proper explanation, in writing with deduction of salary of 1 days per late coming
5. Proper explanation will be called from the chronic late comers and suitable action taken.
Leaving Early
g. Leaving Office before scheduled time needs permission from respective Manager.
h. Leaving Office before 5:30 PM, will be considered as Half day leave.
i. However, leaving early 1 day in a month for 30 minutes is permitted for genuine personal reasons with prior permission from Supervisor /Manager
i. If employee is working extra hours, more than 5:30 PM, he needs to take permission from his manager.
j. Manager is responsible to answer, if his respective team member is working late beyond 5:30 PM.
k. It is expected from every employee, arrive office on time, complete their work and leave at scheduled time.
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